Zimmerman Center for Heritage

The Zimmerman Center for Heritage is the headquarters of Susquehanna Heritage and serves as Pennsylvania’s Official Visitor Contact and Passport Station for the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail. Visit us by land or water to learn more about this unique heritage trail; become a Junior Ranger; enjoy a hike to Native Lands County Park and the Mason-Dixon Trail; launch your kayak or canoe; view our Visions of the Susquehanna River Art Collection; see Susquehannock Indian artifacts; learn about river history; and attend a Heritage Lecture.

Restored and renovated by John and Kathryn Zimmerman in the late 1990s, this historic riverfront home dates to the mid-18th Century. The Zimmermans donated the property to Susquehanna Heritage in 2007, when the home was opened to the public and officially dedicated as The John and Kathryn Zimmerman Center for Heritage in honor of their many contributions to our community and region.