Pew Center for Arts & Heritage

The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage (the Center) is a multidisciplinary grantmaker dedicated to fostering a vibrant cultural community and raising Greater Philadelphia’s visibility as a dynamic hub for a broad range of cultural experiences. We fulfill this mission by investing in ambitious, imaginative arts and heritage projects that showcase the city’s cultural vitality and enhance public life, and by engaging in an exchange of ideas concerning artistic and interpretive practice with a broad network of cultural practitioners.

Established in 2005, the Center makes project grants in two areas, Performance and Exhibitions & Public Interpretation, as well as awarding grants to individual artists through our Pew Fellowships. The Center also makes Advancement grants: substantial, multi-year awards to high-performing institutions undertaking bold, innovative organizational initiatives.
Each year, Center funding makes possible numerous performing arts events, history and visual arts exhibitions, and other public programs for audiences in Philadelphia and its surrounding counties. Since its inception, Center funding initiatives have awarded over $98 million for a total of 1,610 grants.