For centuries, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, has been making history. From the dramatic re-shaping of Washington’s Army at Valley Forge to the lesser known engagement of Lafayette at Barren Hill, this region played an important role in the nation’s early history.
Originally, part of Philadelphia County, this fertile land along the Schuylkill River became its own county in 1784. Booming industry and manufacturing, rich farm fields, advanced transportation, artistic endeavors and unique religious beliefs, contributed to the greatness of the county. However, no matter what its ideals or enterprises, it is the people of Montgomery County that remain her greatest asset. Birthplace of General Winfield S. Hancock, General John F. Hartranft and General Henry “Hap” Arnold, the county has sent tens of thousands of its sons and daughters to wars near and far. Abolitionists like Lucretia Mott, inventors like David Rittenhouse and Thaddeus Lowe and artists like Thomas Hovenden have all called Montgomery County home.
It is the Historical Society of Montgomery County’s mission to preserve the county’s rich heritage and help tell the stories of the many people who have walked and tended its soil.